Its been exactly a month since my last blog, but i wanted to start this new one to signify the transition from the summer and constructing dissertations, and instead use this new blog to collect and focus my current practical work, even showcasing it.
My new thread of thought and experimentation still follows a theme i have focused on for the last year - Narrative through textile, and it was during a small lecture with Michael Howard i came up with my current project. Michael Howard was talking briefly about religion, focusing on Christianity in particular, and this connected with me. I wanted to use my textiles to question the ideas of predetermined narratives and whether it is possible to change these predetermined narratives? I focused particularly on the moral tale of Adam and Eve, as this is a narrative which is widely known and understood and therefore easily applicable to almost everyone as some sort of contextual understanding is always known. Through my textiles i wanted the viewer to put themselves in the place of Adam and Eve, debating on whether to choose greed as Adam and Eve did and take the apple (made from textile by myself) therefore casting man out from the Garden of Eden to a world we know today, or whether knowing what happens in the narrative, if they would leave the textile apple and therefore change the predetermined narrative? This way the art focuses on more than one point. It explores the ideas of narratives as well as issues within humanity reguarding human nature and greed, as well as other aspects of humanity such as charity and reasoning and rationality. It highlights the unique human ability to grow and learn from previous occurances for a better outcome.
The first step on my experimentation for this was the creation of these textile apples. I wanted to create a diverse array of apples which change with reguards to the degree of embelishment they contain, mirroring the degrees of temptation for humanity and therefore linking directly to the story of adam and eve.
The above image is an experiment which used a mixture of crochet and sequin to embelish, using a fallen leaf to finish. Others include embelishment with small green butterflies;

And crocheting with varying shades of green, embelishing with glittering butterflies.
Although this idea and these experiments are in the early stages of development, they are something which i can constantly be developing along side other works which i will discuss in a later blog. The only issue i am having at the moment with these works are that i am being pushed to develop the apples in various other ways, which are not sustainable in the way that viewers can not take them home and keep them as gifts from the exhibition, i am being pushed to create the apples out of materials which deminish easily and so i am struggling to combine ideas. Il let you know how it all works out.
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